There is a huge bungalow
visible prominently in a locality. The bungalow has more than one gate, one for
the car, and one for visitors, a wicket gate for the servants and support staff
to use and may be one more for the family. The huge gate opens many times to
intake people who choose to travel in cars covered with sun film and even the
security may not get to have a glimpse of the visitor. The bungalow also has
many plants some of which grow to trees and have seen generations, while some
plants grow, flourish briefly bearing fruits/flowers and vanish thereafter.
Leaders are comparable to such
bungalows. Just like the trees leaders have people around them who are loyal to
them thro the generation. They also get loyal people who come and go like the
smaller plants that come and vanish. People visiting a leader also come thro a
variety of gates. Some walk in, others prefer visit in cognito, while others
like the support staff manage to sneak thro a gate not visible to visitors,
some others meet him for personal reasons and favor and go thro the ordeal of
security questioning. In the bungalow, the VIP visitor may not know the
visitors entering thro the others gates and vice versa and also all at home do
not necessarily meet all visitors even if he is a VIP visitor. The leader
follows a similar law, whereby none knows all the visitors to him and the
visitors also do not know all those present at home and the support staff.
Leadership essentially is just controlling the information flow on people
purely on ‘need to know’ basis.
Notwithstanding the compound
wall, there will be enough openings for insects, rats, bandicoots, and even
snakes to enter the bungalow. They normally stay put in their hideouts rarely
disturbing others openly yet taking care of their interests like burrowing and
tunneling. Behaviorally a leader is exhibiting similar pattern. Many people
take shelter under his leadership umbrella. They may not be necessarily useful
to him, rather may be of nuisance value and yet they get sheltered. Yet another classic leadership trait is
ensuring that the family and support staff (called his people due to their
proximity) is in dark about the ‘sheltered’ just the way the visitors to the
bungalow are about the existence of rats and bandicoots inside the compound
where they too survive without disturbing others.
Leadership has many facets one
such in essence is being multifarious.